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Meeting Christofer Drew

Photo Credit: Maria Sanchez

Any fan girl’s dream is to meet their celebrity crush. Dedicated fans will do anything just to get a picture or a hug from Christofer Drew Ingle and his band members from Never Shout Never. They consider Christofer Drew to be their idol. The amount of smiles, even tears of happiness running down peoples faces after meeting him is something that always occurs outside of venues.


Once I upload pictures with Christofer Drew on the media, the comments always consist of “how did you manage to meet him?” What I do is I go to the venue early with a group of friends and wait for the venue to open. Even if the show is at night, we are there since the morning. The band usually does sound check at about 12 to 1 pm, depending on how late the show is. When the staff or other band members are unloading their tour bus or van, Christofer usually says hello to the fans that are there. It isn’t many since most people usually come an hour before the show starts. He is kind enough to take pictures with those who are already there waiting on line.




Photo Credit: Maria Sanchez

I recently went to a show and saw one of my friends. We met at earlier never shout never show on 2011. She told me that she slept over outside the venue since 3 a.m the previews night. I’ve also met two girls who drive from Connecticut and sleep inside their cars all night to be the first ones to start the line when the day of the show arrives. The dedication and time that fans put into having good spots to watch the show or to get a hello from their favorite band member is something that others who aren’t interested find ridiculous. However, it brings so much joy to fans when they do meet the band and they have good videos of the performance.

Photo Credit: Maria Sanchez

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